Juice of celery, carrots and linseed to strengthen the colon

With this delicious juice, celery, carrot and flaxseed are going to get our colon is strong and free of harmful bacteria that can ignite and cause disease.

It is important to note that a healthy colon is a reflection of overall good health. However, it is worth remembering that the colon is an organ essential inhabited by microorganisms for their own balance.

Therefore, we must be careful with these remedies seeking only “clean and debug.”

The colon must have their own bacteria, their microorganisms to carry out their own cleaning and synthesis of vitamin K. Therefore, with this juice will nourish and strengthen it without breaking this balance.

We explain how to prepare it.

Taking care of your colon with celery juice, carrot and linseed
In our colon loves above all that we offer fresh, healthy and full of antioxidant nutrients.

However, a diet rich in saturated fats, preservatives, sugar and white flour making is “overloading” to such an extent that environment beneficial microorganisms gradually destroyed.

As a curiosity I will say that, as we explain various studies, the colon is home to 400 different microorganisms, anaerobic micro flora which, in turn, is very sensitive to any pathogen arrived constipation problems or poor nutrition.

A great way to promote health and inner balance that our colon is taking this fresh juice each day. Take note of how they can help its three main ingredients.


Do you often eat celery often? So not only will thank your colon. Your overall digestive health will also be greatly enhanced by the many nutrients and vitamins from this vegetable.

Celery contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C and E, and minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, copper and silicon.

It is a source of plant nutrients that are digested very well and therefore, comes quickly to the lining of the intestine and colon to strengthen its micro flora.

Another important fact about this celery juice is its high content of a type essential oil that fights inflammation of the colon. It’s highly recommended, as well as fiber in its strands.

Celery, besides being diuretic and laxative, contains enzymes that inhibit the growth of cancer cells. As you know, one of the most common types of cancer today is the colon.

Therefore, it pays to introduce in our diet this celery juice.


One of the richest in antioxidants and intestinal health promoters vegetables are carrots.

Its beta-carotene, pectin and its vitamin C will both fight inflammation, such as worms or any toxic to alter the internal balance of the colon.


If the celery and carrots nourish and protect colon, linseed or flaxseed going to debug it while going to respect those healthy bacteria needed for this body to fulfill its function.

The flaxseed removed from fecal deposits mucous and parasites that can develop in this part of our body.

Help eliminate fat and debugging.

Flaxseed is well suited to fight inflammation and strengthen these tissues injured by an overly acidic pH ails our colon.

If we used to take a teaspoon (about 5 grams) of ground flaxseed each day in our breakfast, we will notice great benefits after two weeks: better digestion, improved intestinal transit and stronger defenses.

Preparing my juice celery, carrots and linseed


  • 2 carrots
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1 teaspoon ground flax seeds (5 g)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • The most important thing is to find fresh carrots and a good, healthy and organic production celery. Our colon is very sensitive to environmental toxins and processed foods or bacteria.

    Therefore, be sure to wash all food thoroughly before cooking or processing.

  • Once you’ve washed celery and carrots, cut into pieces proceeds to facilitate blending. Very easy!
  • Then take them to the blender and do not forget to add that glass of water for a homogeneous good and attractive juice.

Once you have it in your favorite cup, add the teaspoon of ground flaxseed. It is easier to dissolve and you sit very well.

Take this natural juice every morning on your breakfast, not to mention taking care of your diet and also introduce some probiotic food that protects the internal micro flora in our digestive system.

Separator image Posted in Nutritious and tagged with carrots, celery, colon, juice, strengthen.

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